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7.4 APPLET Element (Netscape 2.0 only)

Netscape Navigator 2.0 supports embedded applets -- programs, written in Java, that can be embeded within HTML document and executed. This embedding is done via the APPLET element, while parameters required by the applet are passed with PARAM elements. For example, consider the following
   <APPLET CODE="Blink.class" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=100>
      <PARAM NAME="organs" VALUE="String 23">
      <PARAM NAME="pk3"    VALUE="3.221">
      <PARAM NAME="speed"  VALUE="4">

Here CODE gives the name of the application to run, WIDTH and HEIGHT give the space needed by it (in pixels) and PARAM elements, within APPLET, contain paramaters to be passed to the applet -- note the similarity to FORMS.

For more information on Java an applets see the SUN Java site.

The APPLET element is likely to be replaced by a more generic embedding element.

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© Ian Graham 1994-1996 Page Last Updated: 2 January 1996